Why casual misogyny? Shouldn’t we be tackling other topics like equal pay?
We believe that equal pay will never happen unless we eradicate casual misogyny.
Whilst sexism is making us believe that gender roles just make sense (i.e. women are just more caring, or nurturing), misogyny preserves the patriarchy.
It rewards those who reinforce the status quo and punishes those who don’t., That’s why we see women in leadership positions sometimes behave just as badly as men. We are all implicated, even if we are not aware of it.
I’m a man? Why can’t I get involved? Not every man is part of the problem.
Yeah, we know that. “What-aboutism” and the “not every man” isn’t going to help us here. There is a time when the best help men can give, is by listening. Now is that time. And here is that place.
We do however need allies and ‘echo chamber’ conversations help no one. There will definitely be a place for men at fckthecupcakes in the near future. Just not in this very second.
Is this the only project you’re planning? Wearables? Is that all?
Honestly, we do not know. We do not even know what we’re getting ourselves into. Ideally we’d love to turn this into a podcast, a blog and produce as much Merch as we possibly can, but let’s start small. Let’s make something together that we can achieve and let’s make it really good.
How did you decide on the charity?
In all honesty we decided to go for the biggest body, not the loudest. The one that represents 500k women in the workforce. Is that the right selection criteria? We’re not sure either. We’re sure about one thing however: we do not want to make this for profit.